There are many great benefits of having a console table in your home. Here are 5:
- A great landing place for ‘in and out the door’ items such as keys, wallets, handbags and mail.
- Anchor lights on either end or flank wall sconces either side of a long console table to add lighting to your space.
- Have some artwork you would like to display? A console table is a great way to give artwork a ‘base’ so it’s not lost on an otherwise blank wall.
- Have a collection of ‘knick-knacks’ that you want to display? Artfully arranging these on the top of a console table is a good way to show these off.
- Make a statement. Placed in entryways, they provide the perfect opportunity to set the tone for your home – and add style that you, your friends and family can enjoy from the second you/they walk in the door.
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