We would like to ensure our valued customers and service providers know that Berton Furniture is open for business. Currently stocking over 1000’s of furniture items in our warehouses in Sydney we have no shortage in supply. 2020 is our 45th year in operation making houses homes for everyday Australians and their families via our valued distributors.
COVID-19 brings with it a risk management challenge which has not been experienced on such a broad scale before. In response to the outbreak, we have updated our procedures when conducting business on clients premises in a bid to protect our clients, staff members and their families.
We will continue to review risks, react to industry recommendations and update our policy as required.
Our current delivery policy includes :
Staff to maintain social distancing of 1.5m
Encourage heightened levels of staff hygiene such as regular hand washing, sanitising and disinfecting
A new pair of nitrile disposable gloves be worn by staff for each and every delivery and pick-up
Customers advised to use their own pens for providing signatures
Provide an option for orders to be delivered to garage only
Educating staff on self-acknowledging potential symptoms of Coronavirus
Educating staff on identifying surfaces which may be exposed to high levels of human contact
A series of questions will be conveyed by our scheduling staff when booking deliveries to residential addresses to establish the risks to both delivery staff and clients
Health and safety are at the pinnacle of our priorities. With uninterrupted continuity of service being a large focus, please know that with the consent of the client, we continue to offer delivery services. This may be subject to change in the near future following recommendations from industry regulators.
Further responses to this quickly-changing scene will be relayed to you as they become available.
Kind Regards,
The Team at Berton